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Discrepancy Records & Gallery

Have a gander at more than 15,000 LPs, turntables, speakers and equipment.
By Leisha Kapor
October 21, 2019
By Leisha Kapor
October 21, 2019

You'd be forgiven for assuming your best bet for vinyl records was somewhere in Fitzroy or St Kilda, where live music venues and record stores have been heavily influencing Melbourne's music scene for decades. Stay with us when we tell you to get out of the city and give Discrepancy Records in Mont Albert North a shot. The store proudly boasts more than 15,000 LPs in stock, and is happy to order in anything you can't find. Sure, there's an online shop, but that can't replace the fun of flicking through dozens of record sleeves in person to find your next cheeky purchase. You'll also find a growing range of turntables, equipment and accessories that will help you on your journey towards an epic vinyl collection.

Images: Tracey Ah-kee.

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